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F. Estévez López, L.J. Martínez González and M.J. Alvarez Cubero,  "The TT genotype of the rs6860 polymorphism of the charged multivesicular body protein 1A gene is associated with susceptibility to fibromyalgia in southern Spanish women", "Rheumatology International" , vol.38, 531-533, 2018
F.J. Huertas Delgado, L. Mertens, P. Chillón Garzón and D. Van Dyck,  "Parents¿ and adolescents¿ perception of traffic and crime-related safety as correlates of independent mobility among Belgian adolescents", "PLoS One" , vol.13, 1-14, 2018
B. Gavilán-Carrera, V. Segura Jiménez, F. Estévez López, I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, A. Soriano Maldonado, M.M. Borges Cosic, M. Herrador Colmenero, P. Acosta-Manzano and M. Delgado-Fernández,  "Association of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time with health-related quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project.Association of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time with health-related quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project", "Journal of Sport and Health Science" , vol.8, 258-266, 2018
P. Gálvez Fernández, M. Ávila García, P. Tercedor Sánchez and F.J. Huertas Delgado,  " Is it possible to modify the active commuting to school behaviour through an intervention programme? PREVIENE Project ", "Journal of Physical Activity & Health" , vol.15, 207-207, 2018
V. Segura Jiménez, F. Estévez López, J. Castro Piñero, I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, A. Soriano Maldonado, M.M. Borges Cosic and M. Delgado-Fernández,  "Association of patterns of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity bouts with pain, physical fatigue and disease severity in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project", "Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation" , -, 2018
P. Acosta-Manzano, V. Segura Jiménez, I. Coll-Risco, M.M. Borges Cosic, J. Castro Piñero, M. Delgado-Fernández and V.A. Aparicio García-Molina,  "Association of sedentary time and physical fitness with ideal cardiovascular health in perimenopausal women: The FLAMENCO project. ", "Maturitas" , -, 2018
F. Estévez López, D. Camiletti Moirón, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, V. Segura Jiménez, I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, A. Soriano Maldonado, M.M. Borges Cosic, P. Acosta-Manzano, R. Geenen , M. Delgado-Fernández, L.J. Martínez González, J. Ruiz Ruiz and M.J. Alvarez Cubero,  "Identification of candidate genes associated with fibromyalgia susceptibility in southern Spanish women: the al-Ándalus Project", "Journal of Translational Medicine" , vol.16, 1-6, 2018
V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, O. Ocón Hernández, J. Diaz Castro, P. Acosta-Manzano, I. Coll-Risco, M.M. Borges Cosic, J. Moreno Fernández and J.J. Ochoa Herrera,  "Influence of a concurrent exercise training program during pregnancy on colostrum and mature human milk inflammatory markers. Findings from the GESTAFIT project", "Journal of Human Lactation" , vol.4, 789-798, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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