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I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, J. Bidonde, A. Busch, M. Westby, G. Kenny, M. Delgado-Fernández, A. Carbonell Baeza, P. Rahman, G. De Angelis and L. Brosseau,  "Therapeutic validity of exercise interventions in the management of fibromyalgia", "Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness" , vol.59, 828-838, 2019
P. Tercedor Sánchez, V. Segura Jiménez, M. Ávila García and F.J. Huertas Delgado,  "Physical activity during school recess: A missed opportunity to be active?" , vol.78, 988-999, 2019
, P. Acosta-Manzano, I. Coll-Risco, M.M. Borges Cosic, F. Estévez López and V.A. Aparicio García-Molina,  "Associations of physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness with mental health during pregnancy: The GESTAFIT project", "Journal of Sport and Health Science" , -, 2019
F.J. Huertas Delgado, J. Molina-Garcia, D. Van Dyck and P. Chillón Garzón,  "A questionnaire to assess parental perception of barriers towards active commting to school (PABACS): Reliability and validity", "Journal of Transport & Health" , vol.12, 97-104, 2019
E. Villa González, F.J. Huertas Delgado, P. Chillón Garzón, R. Ramírez-Vélez and Y. Barranco Ruiz,  "Associations between active commuting to school, sleep duration, and breakfast consumption in Ecuadorian young people", "BMC Public Health" , vol.18;19, 85-94, 2019
B. Gavilán-Carrera, P. Acosta-Manzano, A. Soriano Maldonado, M.M. Borges Cosic, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, M. Delgado-Fernández and V. Segura Jiménez,  "Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Sleep Duration: Associations with Body Composition in Fibromyalgia. The Al-Andalus Project", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.20, E1260-, 2019
M.D.C. Ibáñez-Oria, J.A. Párraga-Montilla and M. Arteaga Checa,  "La danza como enseñanza de régimen especial en Andalucía", "Ausart" , vol.7, 115-127, 2019
P. Acosta-Manzano, I. Coll-Risco, M. Van Poppel, V. Segura Jiménez, P.J. Femia Marzo, M.M. Borges Cosic, J. Diaz Castro, J. Moreno Fernández and V.A. Aparicio García-Molina,  "Infuence of a Concurrent Exercise Training Intervention during Pregnancy on Maternal and Arterial and Venous Cord Serum Cytokines: The GESTAFIT Project", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.8, 1862-, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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