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F. Estévez López, D. Camiletti Moirón, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, V. Segura Jiménez, I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, A. Soriano Maldonado, M.M. Borges Cosic, P. Acosta-Manzano, R. Geenen , M. Delgado-Fernández, L.J. Martínez González, J. Ruiz Ruiz and M.J. Alvarez Cubero,  "Identification of candidate genes associated with fibromyalgia susceptibility in southern Spanish women: the al-Ándalus Project", "Journal of Translational Medicine" , vol.16, 1-6, 2018
P. Chillón Garzón, M. Herrador Colmenero, C. Cadenas Sánchez, Y. Barranco Ruiz, M. Ávila García and E. Villa González,  "Mode of commuting, physical activity, energy expenditure and steps in the trips to and from the school in Spanish adolescents: the PACO project ", "Journal of Physical Activity & Health" , vol.15, 216-216, 2018
M.C. Ashe, C.L. Ekegren, A.M. Chudyk, L. Fleig, T.L. Gill, D. Landgord, L.M. Martín Martín and M.P. Ariza Vega,  "Telerehabilitation for communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults after musculoskeletal trauma: A systematic review", "AIMS Medical Science" , -, 2018
B. Gavilán-Carrera, V. Segura Jiménez, R.A. Mekary, M.M. Borges Cosic, P. Acosta-Manzano, F. Estévez López, I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, R. Geenen and M. Delgado-Fernández,  "Substituting sedentary time with physical activity in fibromyalgia: association with quality of life and impact of the disease. The al¿Ándalus project", "Arthritis Care & Research" , -, 2018
, C. Cadenas Sánchez, I. Esteban-Cornejo, J. Hidalgo Migueles, J.R. Mora González, P. Henriksson, A. Mena-Molina, P. Molina, F. Estévez López, G. Enriquez, J.C. Perales López, J. Ruiz Ruiz, A. Catena Martínez and F.B. Ortega Porcel,  "Physical fitness and psychological health in overweight/obesechildren: A cross-sectional study from the ActiveBrains project", "Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport" , vol.21, 179-184, 2018
L. Gracia Marco, J. Ruiz Ruiz and M. Delgado-Fernández,  "Physical activity, sedentary time, TV viewing, physical fitness and cardiovascular disease risk in adolescents: The HELENA study.", "International Journal of Cardiology" , -, 2018
M. Ávila García, M.C. Díaz Piedra, F.J. Huertas Delgado, P. Tercedor Sánchez and P.J. Femia Marzo,  "Bi-directional associations among sedentary time, physical activity, and sleep duration in children: A longitudinal study from the PREVIENE project", "Journal of Physical Activity & Health" , vol.15, 126-127, 2018
F.J. Huertas Delgado, L. Mertens, P. Chillón Garzón and D. Van Dyck,  "Parents and adolescents perception of traffic and crime-related safety as correlates of independent mobility among Belgian adolescents", "PLoS One" , vol.13, 1-14, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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