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M.M. Borges Cosic, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, F. Estévez López, A. Soriano Maldonado, P. Acosta-Manzano, B. Gavilán-Carrera, M. Delgado-Fernández, R. Geenen and V. Segura Jiménez,  "Sedentary time, physical activity and sleep quality in fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project", "Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports" , vol.29, 266-274, 2019
M.P. Ariza Vega, M.E. Ortiz, M. Mora-Traverso, L.M. Martín Martín, S. Salazar-Gravan and M.C. Ashe,  "Development and Evaluation of a Post-Hip Fracture Instructional Workshop for Caregivers", "Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy" , -, 2019
I. Coll-Risco, P. Acosta-Manzano, M.M. Borges Cosic, D. Camiletti Moirón, P. Aranda Ramírez, A. Soriano Maldonado and V.A. Aparicio García-Molina,  "Body Composition Changes Following a Concurrent Exercise Intervention in Perimenopausal Women: The FLAMENCO Project Randomized Controlled Trial", "Journal of Clinical Medicine" , vol.8, 1-16, 2019
I.C. Álvarez Gallardo, A. Soriano Maldonado, V. Segura Jiménez, F. Estévez López, D. Camiletti Moirón, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, M. Herrador Colmenero, J. Castro Piñero, F.B. Ortega Porcel, M. Delgado-Fernández and A. Carbonell Baeza,  "High Levels of Physical Fitness Are Associated With Better Health-Related Quality of Life in Women With Fibromyalgia: The al-Ándalus Project", "Physical Therapy" , vol.99, 1481-1494, 2019
X. Palma, P. Chillón Garzón, F. Rodríguez -Rodriguez, Y. Barranco Ruiz and F.J. Huertas Delgado,  "Perceived parental barriers towards active commuting to school in Chilean children and adolescents of Valparaíso", "International Journal of Sustainable Transportation" , 1-8, 2019
M.E. Ortiz, Z. Salas-Fariña, M. Mora-Traverso, L.M. Martín Martín, N. Galiano Castillo, I. Garcia-Montes, I. Cantarero Villanueva, C. Fernández Lao, M. Arroyo Morales, A. Mesa-Ruíz, M.Y. Castellote Caballero, S. Salazar-Gravan, L. Kronborg and M. Martín-Matillas,  "A home-based tele-rehabilitation protocol for patients with hip fracture called @ctivehip", "Research in Nursing & Health" , vol.42, 29-38, 2019
M.P. Ariza Vega, M. Mora-Traverso, M.E. Ortiz, M. Ashe and M.T. Kristensen,  "Translation, inter-rater reliability, agreement, and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the cumulated ambulation score in patients after hip fracture. ", "Disability and Rehabilitation" , -, 2019
Z. Špacírová, D. Epstein , L. García-Mochón, V.A. Aparicio García-Molina, M.M. Borges Cosic, M.D.P. López Del Amo González and J.J. Martín Martín,  "Cost-effectiveness of a primary care-based exercise intervention in perimenopausal women. The FLAMENCO Project", "Gaceta Sanitaria" , vol.33, 529-535, 2019

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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