@inproceedings{ Acosta-Manzano_Segura_Coll-risco_Ruiz-cabello_Borges_Peces-ramas_Marín_Rodríguez-ayllón_Delgado-Fernández_Aparicio,
author = { Pedro Acosta-Manzano and Víctor Segura Jiménez and Irene Coll-risco and Pilar Ruiz-cabello and Milkana M Borges Cosic and Rubén Peces-ramas and Nuria Marín and María Rodríguez-ayllón and Manuel Delgado-Fernández and Virginia A Aparicio García-Molina } ,
title = { Association of sedentary time and physical fitness with ideal cardiovascular health in perimenopausal women. The FLAMENCO project },
booktitle = { I Jornadas Científicas del Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CIBM). },
year = { 2017 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Granada },